Conversations with Azul Zapata

Today we’d like to introduce you to Azul Zapata.

Hi Azul, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I am an immigrant from Argentina and I’ve lived in the states since I was four years old. I’ve always been loud and creative and interested in how people tick. I’ve lived in Europe, Asia, North and South America. I speak multiple languages and love being immersed in new cultures. I have friends all over the world and real relationships within my local community.

And… I struggle with mental health. I struggle with self-worth and staying at peace. I can cycle between depression and anxiety under stress or no stress at all. I have to build in a very strict routine to ensure I sleep and eat and function at the high level I expect from myself. My music and my creativity is what allows me to be vulnerable with others and helps me understand situations below the surface of what is presented.

Making music and being part of my music community saves me every single day.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
No. I am constantly managing my mental health. I’ve lost very important people in my life and have had to survive very difficult situations. Abuse, assault, stalking, abandonment, manipulation and harassment. I also continue trying to figure out why chronic physical pain is in my life and has always been. Major surgeries and relearning how to walk and relearning how my body works for me and not against me. It’s a constant job that seems to be easier for other people but I don’t take for granted.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a performer. I sing, dance, play keys and trumpet. I tell jokes and stories on stage and make interacting with the audience part of my show always. I’m known for guiding folks through an entire spectrum of emotions in just one show. I write my own songs and arrangements for covers. And I share the stage with powerful musicians and individuals. I’m known for not accepting the status quo of being the only female presenting/Latinx/poc human on stage. Which is why everyone in my band identifies as one or more of the following: femme/queer/poc.

I’m most proud of the moments I help other people. I’m most proud of the collaborations and friends I have in the music world. My passion is to listen and be heard.

My music is eclectic. Some have called it a “Latin Carol King. I am influenced by jazz, broadway, soul, gospel, blues, disco, Latin folk and Latin rock.

I started releasing my songs in 2021 and I’ve had people reaching out that my first single, “Magic,” gave them hope that 2021 would be miles better than 2020.

Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
Please follow my accounts! Check out my website! IF anything you read really resonated, please reach out. I love making new friends and learning about other people’s lives.

I’m happily engaged and I have three cats.

See full story


Meet Azul Zapata


Introducing: AZUL – Stay The Heart